Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ron La Count--

Ron La Count- a long time resident of Americana Finnmark died about three weeks ago.

Ron been involved with the community for many years, either on the Board of Directos as treasurer, vice-president, or director, or as a resident when not serving on the Board.

Everyone knew him, and everyone saw him everyday as he walked his dog, and when not walking his dog- Ron would hold court on his patio.

He was a helpful neighbor who would lend a helping hand whenever needed.
At times he would come across as gruff and mean- but once you got to know him yourealized he was just a gentle soul- who did not put up with stupidity or rude behavior.

A memorial service and a celebration of his life was held at the VFW in Wheaton- the stories that were told by his family and friends only made Ron seem bigger than life.
His wife and two children told stories about their younger days- it appeared that Ron had a little bit of Indiana Jones in him.

Everyday when I leave my condo I look toward his patio- hoping to see him puffing on his pipe and reading-he was truly an amazing person.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Another view from the balcony

As I sit on my balcony in the morning reading the paper and drinking coffee, I become aware of the number of critters living on our grounds..

We have the famous Eastern Gray Squirrel and his relatives, the black squirrel, and of course chipmunks.

Having watched Chip and Dale when I was young, I was under the impression that chipmunks lived in trees.
It appears that the ones in Americana Finnmark, live underground.

Earlier this summer we had a fox roaming the grounds.

Perhaps the biggest population of animals are the birds.

We have the usual sparrows, robins, crows, wrens and Cardinal(male and female)(The male is the bright red one), blue jays..

We also have birds that I was not familiar with- and so I had to buy a bird guide in order to identify them.

Thanks to the guide I have been able to identify-- the house finch, a junco, the Eastern bluebird,a cowbird, the mourning dove, and a grackle.

I haven't seen the ducks, the geese or the deer lately-perhaps they have moved on.

As one can see, Americana Finnmark is not only a city within a city, but also a nature center.
When the weather is cool- sit on your patio or balcony and enjoy nature.

We have an array of insects-flying and crawling- but that is a subject for another article.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Beyond the Gate

As I sit on my balcony, around 5 in the afternoon, a mysterious sound floats through the air.

It is a musical sound, sort of like a caliope of old. The tune changes every few minutes.
I close my eyes and I picture a small town on the other side of the gate- one with no crime, no litter.
A town where everyone says hello, and men tip their hats when approaching a woman.
The children are well mannered, and near the gazeebo is a carousel and the caliope playing that old time music.

People are walking through the park, and in town, The Olde Malt Shoppe is serving ice cream sundaes.

My mind wanders a lot on theses spring evenings as I sit on my balcony.
I dream of homes with big backyards, and screen porches, and neighbors watching for each others kids.
I dream of those days when you could leave the roof down on your convertible when you did your shopping.
I dream of those days when you could leave your door unlocked and sleep the night away without fears of crime.
I dream of those days when you felt safe shopping at the mall with out fear of being robbed.
I dream of all these things when I hear that mysterious music from the other side of the gate.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Squirrels, ducks, wild birds, geese and a fox

Well the greening of Americana Finnmark has begun, and with the greening and the warm weather the wild life has returned.

No, I do not mean the wild life at the Board Meetings, or the occasional
wild yelling and partying coming from some of my neighbors.

I am referring to animal wild life.
There is an abundance of squirrels, grey and black. Assorted wild birds-orioles, robins, cardinals, hawks, mourning doves, ducks and the noisy Canadian Geese. I recently saw a fox, but he appears to be visible only in the early evenings.

Meanwhile, the trees have bloomed, and are turning green, Grounds Management have been out to prune and cut down some of our dead trees.

Americana Finnmark is a beautiful place to live and admire nature- no need to visit the park or a nature center.

I am hoping that butterflies will soon appear after spending the winter in Mexico.
I have a brown thumb and can not seem to grow anything but those of you who have green thumbs, plant something colorful to attract butterflies.

The pool should be opened next month-- anyone up for a pool opening brunch or get together?

Well, that is all I have to say today, but enjoy the sights, the weather and talk to your neighbors. Have fun.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Springtime is coming

Well it feels like springtime is coming to Finnmark.

For those of you who are new to the neighborhood- be warned-- Springtime at Americana Finnmark is an awesome sight.

We have an assortment of foilage that in the past has won Finnmark beauty awards from the County.

If you are new members of the community you may start your own garden plot-read the rules and regs the requirements--
you may also have plants on your balcony--again check the rules.

If you do not have a green thumb--and I do not-- jusy layback and enjoy the grounds--
Have a good spring.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Pigs at Americana Finnmark

Someone on Feb. 10, 2008 threw their Christmas tree out.

They did not throw it in the trashroom,, or put it at the curb, they put it near the pool.

Now, Americana Finnmark has a Christmas tree policy-- it is an easy policy to follow--HOWEVER--
There are certain pigs who live among us who continue to trash this place,.

These pigs throw cigarette butts of their balconies. let their dogs shit and pee everywhere, leave their junk mail on the ground near the mailbox, throw fast food wrappers in the parking lot, and leave empty bottles and cans on the common grounds(parking lot and grass).

You pigs know who you are.

I hate to think how your sty looks.

Well you pigs better watch out-- you are being watched.

One day-when you least expect it--someone will see you, take a picture- and you will appear on every bulletin board.

So straighten up!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Baby it's cold out there

Well winter has finally arrived at Finnmark and it shows.

A water pipe broke near the chiller- it hasn't affected anything major---yet- but this Tuesday- some nearby buildings will be without heat for a few hours- Bundle Up!

One of the biggest problems of our community is--- "We are old."

This community is over 40 years old- and out water pipes are in good shape... but every so often one breaks.

Our auditors suggested that it might cost in the neighborhood of 3-5 million dollars to replace the pipes- This is an impossible task- we simply do not have the resources to do this at one time--so we do it whenever there is a breakage- it is easier and financially prudent to do it this way.

Overall this community is in good shape- so enjoy it-- .