Monday, August 16, 2010

Pool Party Time

Ok residents- this years pool party is on the 29th of August.
It will be a combination pot-luck and catered.

This means that there will not be much food.
Vincent will provide what food he can- but the potluck idea.

Well from previous history of past parties-Christmas and pool, there is little pot luck and what there is- well it is the same people who bring stuff to the Christmas who will bring stuff to the pool party.

The rest of the participants will be freeloaders- and some even have the audacity to bring containers so they can take food home.

When I was on the Board of Directors- every member of the Board would bring a dish as would the property manager(Julie or Heidi), and CMI would contribute some cash.

Other residents would also contribute food- but not many-but every year the same free loaders would show up with their containers and load up with food and take it back to their condo- they would not even stick around to talk to their neighbors.

Some free loaders came back near the end of the Christmas Party and would take bottles of wine back to their condos- some bottles were still unopened.
You free loaders know who you are- we will be watching you this year-.

Meanwhile- this years pool party is for residents only- no guests- some residents over did the guest thing and would bring all their relatives-Everyone from Grandma Ellen(age 92) to Baby Edgar (age 2)
No wonder we would run out of food.

Also no alcohol-we do not need a bunch of drunks bothering people, falling into the pool, and acting stupid.
So if you are going to be at the pool party this year- bring something to share or don't eat.

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