Sunday, October 21, 2012

Grow Large Beefsteak Tomatoes

I love homegrown tomatoes.  Having a brown thumb, I could never grow tomatoes, so I use to steal them from the late John Harrison.  Some  of you may have read about my tomato stealing exploit.

This Spring I received a plant catalog- full of flowers, trees, fruit and vegetable plants and seeds.

After all these years I thought I would try again.  I ordered a few plants, some planting soil and planters and decided to become Mr. Tomato Farmer.

The plants took root, and grew quite rapidly.  I was rather proud of myself.
On June 29th, El Derecho swept through the area- you remember the big storm, Finnmark was without power for a few days.

My plants were blown over and I thought ruined, but I restaked them and they grew to more than six feet tall.  Wow- maybe I have grown a green thumb.  Well maybe not.

Today Sunday October 21, 2012, I picked my tomatoes-- all two of them- one green , one red- the size of golf balls.  The red one tasted good- the green- perhaps I can fry it or make a relish-Boy I wish John Harrison was around.

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