Monday, August 26, 2013

32 Years and Still Counting

These days, it is rarity to  find  someone working at the same  job  for a couple  of  years.  Todays  generation is constantly changing  jobs,looking for  something  different,  not  sure  what  they  want. Hell some people
quit so  they can find  themselves-whatever  the Hell that  means.

So when I  read that Cornell is  celebrating 32 years- it reminded me  how  much  society  has  changed.

For  one  person to  stay with one  job  is a rarity.

To find one person with 32 years working,  and still able to do  the  work and do  it  well-even  more rare.

I've  been at Finnmark for almost 20  years- I  can  recall a  number of staff changes- yet through all the changes,
different job  description  and emergency situations, Cornell has been steadfast.

He  has  been a  good  friend all  these years and so  I wish  to congratulate him  and  wish him  the  best.

If you see him walking the  grounds, thank him, congratulate him and shake his  hand- for 32 years he  has  held this place  together.