Monday, August 26, 2013

32 Years and Still Counting

These days, it is rarity to  find  someone working at the same  job  for a couple  of  years.  Todays  generation is constantly changing  jobs,looking for  something  different,  not  sure  what  they  want. Hell some people
quit so  they can find  themselves-whatever  the Hell that  means.

So when I  read that Cornell is  celebrating 32 years- it reminded me  how  much  society  has  changed.

For  one  person to  stay with one  job  is a rarity.

To find one person with 32 years working,  and still able to do  the  work and do  it  well-even  more rare.

I've  been at Finnmark for almost 20  years- I  can  recall a  number of staff changes- yet through all the changes,
different job  description  and emergency situations, Cornell has been steadfast.

He  has  been a  good  friend all  these years and so  I wish  to congratulate him  and  wish him  the  best.

If you see him walking the  grounds, thank him, congratulate him and shake his  hand- for 32 years he  has  held this place  together.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Staff of Americana Finnmark

Because of  a  recent  hospital  stay-  I  have  been  confined to my bed- unable  to  walk-and if I attempt  to  walk  I  get   wobbily.

A  few  weeks ago  my  roomate  had  a  diabetic incident  and  I  had to  call 911-  The door  was  locked  and  I was unable  to  get  to  the  door-so  the  EMTs  had  to  break  in.

I  called  the  office  for  the  name  of  a good locksmith  and  to  have  either Cornell or  Billy look  at the  lock  to  see how serious the  damage was.

Cornel  was  able  to  fix  the  lock  at a cost  far  less than a locksmith would  have  charged.

A  few  days ago,  my  roommate had another  incident an collapsed  on  the floor. I called 911,  then  I  called  Debbie at the office.  I asked  her if she could send  Cornel or Billy over  with a copy of  my  key and unlock  the  door.  Billy showed up-the  result no  broken  door.

Our  staff is  great,  but  what isn't  known are  the  little  things, not in  their description that  makes  them greater.  There are a lot of untold stories  of  the  good  deeds our  staff have been  doing  in  this  community  for  years.

When  I  was  on  the  BOD  I always  tried to  do  them right with  each  new  contract.  They  are what makes living  here at Finnmark
so  special.
Remember this  when  you  see them- greet them  and  thank them  for  all  they do.

They are the greatest

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Grow Large Beefsteak Tomatoes

I love homegrown tomatoes.  Having a brown thumb, I could never grow tomatoes, so I use to steal them from the late John Harrison.  Some  of you may have read about my tomato stealing exploit.

This Spring I received a plant catalog- full of flowers, trees, fruit and vegetable plants and seeds.

After all these years I thought I would try again.  I ordered a few plants, some planting soil and planters and decided to become Mr. Tomato Farmer.

The plants took root, and grew quite rapidly.  I was rather proud of myself.
On June 29th, El Derecho swept through the area- you remember the big storm, Finnmark was without power for a few days.

My plants were blown over and I thought ruined, but I restaked them and they grew to more than six feet tall.  Wow- maybe I have grown a green thumb.  Well maybe not.

Today Sunday October 21, 2012, I picked my tomatoes-- all two of them- one green , one red- the size of golf balls.  The red one tasted good- the green- perhaps I can fry it or make a relish-Boy I wish John Harrison was around.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Haunting melody

It is 8:40 Am, and I am sitting in front of my computer and watching Fox News.
I turn down the volume of the T.V.- am I hearing things. I hear the faint sounds of a flute or a pan flute- I can't make out the tune.  I try to  listen more intently- it is a mysterious tune- and it is  nice.

I do not know who is playing this instrument- I do not know if it is a record or an actual person performing, but I find it soothing and strange.  It is comforting and as I listen it becomes an escape from the news - I try to make out the tune- but I can't make it out.

As I listen to it , it reminds me of the movie "Waking Ned Divine" if you haven't seen it rent it- it is a funny, warm comedy with a beautiful soundtrack.

I do not know who is playing this music  in Americana Finnmark, but I want to thank them for some beautiful music.  Keep it up- for soon  winter will be here, and the windows will be shut and I may not be able to hear the music- but while the warm weather is still with us I will enjoy your concerts.
Thank you- whoever you are.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Campari,Bitter Lemon, & Torremolinos

I am sitting on the balcony, sipping a Campari and bitter lemon. In front of me is a small bowl of green olives, a plate consisting of some crostinis and manchego cheese.  It is hot, but the sight of the Mediterranean  Sea promisesan offer of a cool breeze.
I am in Torremolinos, Spain.

Torremolinos is a busy resort town on the coast of Spain.  The streets are full of tourists and locals.

The locals are headed to work, the tourists to the beach, for some sunning and tanning.
I am looking forward to a walk along the beach later-maybe grabbing a cup of blood orange granita, maybe a plate of ensalada russo and a hard roll.

I will enjoy the sun, I might even take a dip in the sea, before heading back to the hotel.

I have another Campari and bitter lemon,  take a shower and a nap.
 Tonight- I will look for a restaurant that serves a good paella-perhaps a Valencia paella- with plenty of seafood..

The town gets busy in the evening-and very loud.
There is live gypsy flamenco music, the smell of grilled meats fill the air, and of course there is the shouting of street vendors selling their wares.

I pour myself another Campari and bitter lemon.So good on a hot Spanish night.
Someone shouts my name-I open my eyes bewildered- no one knows me here.  I hear my name again.
It is my neighbor.
"Are you alright"

I holler back- "Yeah I'm ok.  Thanks for asking"
My neigbor heads toward his building.
I look around-  the music is gone,the crowd noise is gone, and the smell of grilled meats, gone,. What happend?

I look around, I am still at Americana Finnmark.
Did two Campari and bitter lemons do this to me?
But wait- is that music I hear.

I pour myself another Campari and bitter lemon.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

BOD Elections

Once again, as usual, there were not enough votes for a quorum, so no BOD  meeting was held-
This means that at the next meeting we could have new BOD members who may be seated with only two or three votes(it happend once - a member was elected with only three votes)
This also means that new ballots may have to be mailed  to the residents(again) which comes out of your condo fees- (you see where your money goes- ).
If the residents of this community were less apathetic, things that have been put off(like the changing of the by-laws) and the election of a new BOD could be accomplished with less expense.

It seems that the only time the community gets up in arms- is when the BOD proposes a major condo fee increase, - see how many people show up at the meeting when this happens.

If you do not vote- you really should not complain.
If you do not read the rules and regulations of Americana Finnmark- and you are caught violating the rules- do not complain when you are notified-
If you do not like the rules and regulations and want them changed- participate--

Remember the old quotation from the 1960's- if you are not part of the solution- you are part of the problem.

If  you do not vote- do not complain.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Living on the 2nd floor is so much better.

I live on the 2nd floor in the garden units. When I first moved here I had a choice of 1st. floor or 2nd. floor.  I didn't think the 1st floor was safe-I worked nights- and was worried about someone breaking in- so I opted for the 2nd floor.

With my current health problems the 2nd floor is rough but  I can handle it.

  Today I discovered another reason why I like the 2nd floor.

I was sitting on my balcony and I was watching a resident walking their dog near the rear of the midrise.

Now this dog had already peed on a few bushes(I thought we had a doggy walk and a doggy run), but what makes me greatful for 2nd floor living is this-

I  would hate to walk out on my 1st floor patio, sit down and smell dog pee-- this knucklehead walking the dog had no sense of respect or consideration for the residents who live on the 1st floor of the midrise.
Thank goodness the dog did not poop.
The patio that was peed on is used quite often by the residens who live there, and is close to the pool.  I am inclined to think that those who are at the pool sitting next to the fence my also be struck by the odor of dog pee(Did I mention the dog walk and the doggy run).

Listen up people- dog pee and poop(and I do not care if you pick the poop up with you little baggy) kills grass and plants.
If you walk your dog stay away from peoples patios, benches and the pool fence .
Have some consideration for your neighbors.
Obey the rules.
And if your dog is over 25 pounds- watch out- read the rules- the dog is too big.